Moscow, Russian Federation
Purpose: To estimate the doses to a surgeon for a new operation – radionuclide vertebroplasty. To normalize the irradiation for the maximum number of operations in which the total equivalent dose will not exceed the values specified in the NRB-99/2009. Material and methods: The widespread Monte-Carlo code MCNP used with data libraries, as well as the ICRP-38 data on radionuclide characteristics. Results: Using the radionuclide 188Re, the most promising for this procedure, the equivalent dose in the doctor’s palms does not exceed 1 mSv per operation. A surgeon can perform up to 580 operations per year without violating radiation safety standards. Conclusion: Calculation methods proved the safety of radionuclide vertebroplasty for the surgeon and service personnel.
metastases of the spine, radionuclide vertebroplasty, rhenium-188, MCNP, NRB-2009, personal, staff, exposure
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