Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The features of using the mixed method for calculating internal forces in statically indeterminate frames with rods of a given stiffness are considered. The substantiation of the choice for the calculation of frames of the mixed method, methods of forces or displacements is given. The condition of equivalence of the main and the given systems is provided. The calculations took into account the mechanical meaning of the canonical equations and individual terms of the canonical equations of the mixed method. The corresponding reactions and displacements have been determined. It has been substantiated which part of the frame when calculating by the mixed method is more rational to calculate by the method of displacement, and which part by the method of forces. Used "tabular" data in the process of calculating the frame by the mixed method. If necessary, frame parts are designed to be statically determinate.

Mixed method, force method, displacement method, frame calculation, statically indeterminate frames, analysis of the design scheme, diagrams, dangerous internal forces

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