The paper is devoted to the analysis of the formation, development and current state of free economic zones (FEZ) and industrial cities (industrial zones) in the Syrian People's Republic. The article presents the legislative acts regulating the activities of FEZs and industrial zones in Syria, their features, the objective necessity and possibility of the activity of FEZs, their goals and objectives. The author substantiates the point of view that the main purpose of the FEZ activities in Syria is socio-economic development, and in this regard, the FEZs of Syria correspond to world practice. However, the FEZ and especially the industrial zones are faced with the task of restoring the Syrian economy destroyed as a result of the military actions. In this aspect, foreign investment is of crucial importance as a mechanism for restoring industrial potential and its subsequent development, as well as for diversifying the national economy and exports. In the field of FEZ in Syria, a number of problems remain. However, the author also highlights the existing prospects for the investment process in the FEZ.
Syria, FEZ, industrial cities (industrial zones), foreign investment, socio-economic development
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