Rostov-on-Don, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation
UDK 62 Инженерное дело. Техника в целом. Транспорт
GRNTI 73.29 Железнодорожный транспорт
There are considered analysis results of stress-strain state in the load-bearing structure of three versions of refrigerator cars with different arrangement solutions of refrigerating-heating plants (RHP) and a thermos car at its cooling with liquid nitrogen. By means of the “APM WinMachine” application there are presented model parameters of a basic universal body. The analysis of calculation results has shown sufficient strength and potentialities for updating an available car metal structure for the application as a universal body of a refrigerator car. Work purpose: the estimation of a stress-strain state in the load-bearing structure of a basic body for insulated cars of different types of refrigerator- and thermos cars. Investigation methods: for the analysis of the stress-strain state in a load-bearing structure in three versions of the bodies of refrigerator- and thermos cars under loads with “Normal” modes there was used the “APM WinMachine” software complex realizing a finite element method. Results and novelty: for the first time there are offered arrangement solutions for the location of refrigeration-heating plants earlier not used for refrigeration rolling-stock (RRS). A stress-strain state of the body of the thermos car at the impact of overpressure upon it of gaseous nitrogen evaporated in cargo compartment is estimated. Conclusions: the analysis of calculation results for all three versions of the RHP arrangement and a solid body of a thermos car has shown sufficient strength and possibility regarding simple updating an available body metal structure which may be used as a universal car set.
refrigerator rolling - stock, refrigerator-heating plant, thermos car, body, model, stress-strain state, strength
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