Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The modern physics course appeared as a result of a long-term evolution of the physics teaching methods. The model of the school course is textbooks; they reflect the fundamental laws of cognition of the surrounding world and methodological ideas, therefore the problem of studying the distribution of various types of training material in the physics course is relevant. The article uses previously obtained estimates of the differential complexity of various topics of the school physics course. This takes into account: 1) the differential complexity of the text, depending on the information amount in the volume unit, on which the difficulty of understanding it by the student depends; 2) the integral complexity (general informativeness), which characterizes the total amount of information in the text; the amount of time and effort required to study training material depends on it; 3) the share of educational information related to mechanics, molecular physics and thermodynamics, electrodynamics, optics and quantum physics. It also took into account the fact that physical and mathematical complexity are independent characteristics of the physics textbooks. The carried out content analysis of standard school textbooks made it possible to determine the integral complexity of each topic and build a graph with an accumulation that shows the dynamics of changes in the contribution of each physics section to the total information amount over time. In particular, it follows from the graph that: 1) the speed of transmission of educational information in the 10-11th grades is 5 times higher than in the 7-9th grades; 2) the amount of information on physics reported to a student by the end of the 11th grade is 4,4 times more than the amount of information reported in the 7th, 8th and 9th grades.

didactics, informativeness, complexity, text, teaching, physics

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