from 20.10.1982 to 10.01.2016
Ufa state aviation technical University (Fundamentals of design of mechanisms and machines, associate Professor)
from 10.01.2016 until now
Ufa, Ufa, Russian Federation
Ufa, Russian Federation
Ufa, Russian Federation
In connection with the coronavirus pandemic, all higher education institutions were forced from March 2020 to switch to a distance form of student education and complete the academic year in this format. The current 2020-21 academic year, universities began in a mixed format, but since October, the vast majority of higher education institutions have again returned to the distance form of study. In fact, for a whole year, the faculty of universities taught students in the conditions of distance learning. For most departments of universities, such a transition was a complete surprise. The departments were not ready for this turn of events, and they urgently had to develop methods for distance education of students of the taught educational disciplines. The article describes the experience of teachers of the section "Engineering and Computer Graphics" of the department "Fundamentals of Mechanism and Machine Design" of the UGATU in conducting remote classes in the discipline "Engineering and Computer Graphics" in 2019-20 and 2020-21 academic years.
the coronavirus pandemic, the experience of conducting classes in the distance form, the modernization of the textual geometry course, the methodological provision of lectures, practical classes, laboratory work, test tasks, the Moodle distance learning system, videoconferencing, the final control of students' knowledge
1. Vektornaya sistema konstruktorskoy grafiki KOMPAS17. Postroenie zadannoy konfiguracii liniy i chertezhey ploskih detaley: Laboratornyy praktikum po discipline «Inzhenernaya i komp'yuternaya grafika» / Ufimsk. gos. aviac. tehn. un-t; sost.: Yu.V. Polikarpov. Ufa, 2018. 63 s.
2. Vektornaya sistema konstruktorskoy grafiki KOMPAS17. Postroenie tverdotel'noy modeli i associativnogo chertezha detali «Kryshka»: Laboratornyy praktikum po discipline «Inzhenernaya i komp'yuternaya grafika» / Ufimsk. gos. aviac. tehn. un-t; sost.: Yu.V. Polikarpov, I.R. Gorlova. Ufa, 2020. 54 s.
3. Vektornaya sistema konstruktorskoy grafiki KOMPAS17. Postroenie tverdotel'noy modeli i associativnogo chertezha detali «Rukoyatka»: Laboratornyy praktikum po discipline «Inzhenernaya i komp'yuternaya grafika» / Ufimsk. gos. aviac. tehn. un-t; sost.: Yu.V. Polikarpov, M.A. Kiseleva, I.R. Gorlova. Ufa, 2019. 55 s.
4. Vektornaya sistema konstruktorskoy grafiki KOMPAS17. Postroenie tverdotel'noy modeli izdeliya «Prisposoblenie» i neobhodimogo nabora konstruktorskoy dokumentacii: Laboratornyy praktikum po discipline «Inzhenernaya i komp'yuternaya grafika» / Ufimsk. gos. aviac. tehn. un-t; sost.: Yu.V. Polikarpov, Ch.A. Yarullin. Ufa: RIK UGATU, 2019. 73 s.
5. Vektornaya sistema konstruktorskoy grafiki KOMPAS17. Postroenie tverdotel'noy modeli sborki vala s zubchatym kolesom: Laboratornyy praktikum po discipline «Inzhenernaya i komp'yuternaya grafika» / Ufimsk. gos. aviac. tehn. un-t; sost.: Yu.V. Polikarpov. Ufa, 2020. 81 s.
6. Vektornaya sistema konstruktorskoy grafiki KOMPAS19. Postroenie tverdotel'noy modeli shlicevogo soedineniya vala s kolesom: Laboratornyy praktikum po discipline «Inzhenernaya i komp'yuternaya grafika» / Ufimsk. gos. aviac. tehn. un-t; sost.: Yu.V. Polikarpov. Ufa, 2021. 74 s.
7. Li K. Osnovy SAPR (CAD/CAM/CAE): per. s angl. - SPb.: Piter, 2004. - 560 s.
8. Modelirovanie listovoy detali: Laboratornyy praktikum po discipline «Informacionnye tehnologii v mashinostroenii»/ Ufimsk. gos. aviac. tehn. un-t; Sost.: Yu.V. Poli-karpov, L.P. Hudyakova, M.A. Semashko. Ufa: RIK UGATU, 2015. - 29 s.
9. Polikarpov Yu.V. Soderzhanie vuzovskogo kursa nachertatel'noy geometrii v epohu tret'ey promyshlennoy revolyucii // Geometriya i grafika. 2018 №. 3. S. 4955. DOI:
10. Polikarpov Yu.V., Semashko M.A., Hudyakova L.P. Ob uchebno-metodicheskom komplekse discipliny «Inzhenernaya i komp'yuternaya grafika» v usloviyah modernizacii kursa nachertatel'noy geometrii // Standarty i monitoring v obrazovanii. 2018. № 5. S. 34-40. DOI:
11. Postroenie tverdotel'nyh modeley i chertezhey detaley «Ruchka», «Korpus», «Patrubok» v KOMPAS-3D: Laboratornyy praktikum po discipline «Inzhenernaya i komp'yuternaya grafika» / Ufimsk. gos. aviac. tehn. un-t; sost.: Yu.V. Polikarpov, M.A. Kiseleva, I.R. Gorlova. Ufa: RIK UGATU, 2016. 41 s.
12. Postroenie tverdotel'nyh modeley izdeliya «Ruchka» i neobhodimogo nabora konstruktorskih dokumentov: Laboratornyy praktikum po discipline «Inzhenernaya i komp'yuternaya grafika» / Ufimsk. gos. aviac. tehn. un-t; sost.: L.P. Hudyakova, M.A. Semashko. - Ufa: RIK UGATU, 2017 50 s.
13. Postroenie tverdotel'noy modeli sborki izdeliya «Korpus v sbore» sposobom «snizu-vverh» i neobhodimogo nabora konstruktorskih dokumentov na izdelie v KOMPAS17: Laboratornyy praktikum po discipline «Inzhenernaya i komp'yuternaya grafika» / Ufimsk. gos. aviac. tehn. un-t; sost.: Yu.V. Polikarpov, Ch.A. Yarullin. Ufa: RIK UGATU, 2018. 54 s.
14. Postroenie tverdotel'noy modeli sborki izdeliya «Amortizator» sposobom «sverhu-vniz» i neobhodimogo nabora konstruktorskih dokumentov na izdelie: Laboratornyy praktikum po discipline «Inzhenernaya i komp'yuternaya grafika» / Ufimsk. gos. aviac. tehn. un-t; sost.: Yu.V. Polikarpov, N.R. Asadullina, E.G. Balysheva. Ufa: RIK UGATU, 2018. 54 s.
15. Tehnologiya izgotovleniya tipovyh detaley mashin: ucheb. posobie / I.V. Shrubchenko [i dr.]. - M.: INFRA-M, 2018. 358 s.