Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The current paper presents the difference in parameters of cardio-vascular system in the indigenous and newly arrived population of the UGRA. The problem of human body adaptation of newly arrived population compared with indigenous people (the Khanty) who have been living in Ugra for a long period of time is the main problem of human ecology. The solution of the problem is provided according to the theory of chaos – self-organization. The parameters of quas-iattractors and traditional stochastic parameters are compared. The effective calculation of matrixes of inter-quasi-attractor distances for estimation of such differences is shown.The authors have proved that chaotic parameters present peculiarities of human body in the Ugra population better than traditional stochastic parameters of cardio-respiratory system of a human living in the North.

cardio-interval, the Khanty, phase space of states.

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