Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article presents the results of the optimization of breast screening based on microwave radiothermometry due to the development of a test system for express diagnostics of malignant breast tumors and identification of female patients at risk. The current program of investigation involves a time-consuming history taking and a preliminary measurement of the temperature at the control points. The purpose of the research was to find out is there a relationship between the presence or absence of positive an-swers to anamnestic questions of the program and changes of temperature of the breast. Another task was to determine the degree of dependency of temperature changes in the mammary gland on the diameter of the gland and the temperature in the axillary area and other control points. Three groups of female patients were examined: healthy subjects, risk group (with benign nodules) and breast cancer patients. In the group of cancer female patients the temperature data of healthy mammary glands were studied separately. The results showed that the temperature changes depend on the age and the diameter of the gland only for healthy subjects. The temperature in the axillary area and the control points of the study has a high degree of direct correlation with the temperature changes in the mammary gland in all groups of female patients.

microwave radiothermometry, breast screening, test system, express diagnostics of malignant breast tumors, the patients in the risk.

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