Kiev, Ukraine
Tanks for storing petroleum products, together with diesel power plants, have become the backbone of the life support of scientific stations in Antarctica. Today the reservoirs operate at all modern Antarctic scientific stations. At the Antarctic Faraday station (since 1996 - Akademik Vernadsky station), the reservoirs were built in 1960 (50 cubic meters) and in 1980 (140 cubic meters). And in 2007, a new vertical steel tank RVS-200 was built, designed in the form of a double-walled vertical cylinder with two bottoms and two roofs, according to the "glass in a glass" principle. In 2016-19, its full technical expert examination was carried out, which included the following main works: • study of design and operational documentation for the reservoir; • instrumental examination of the condition of the foundation and base of the tank; • instrumental examination of the state of the metal structures of the tank by non-destructive testing methods in order to detect defects and damages in structural elements and welded joints (visual inspection, thickness measurement, tightness control, measuring control of the horizontal bottom and verticality of the wall • design check of the static strength of the tank wall; • assessment of the technical condition of the tank and justification of its suitability for further operation and determination of permissible operating conditions; • determination of the term for the next technical diagnostics of the reservoir. A brief description of the work performed and their results are given in this article.
tanks, technical condition monitoring, non-destructive testing methods, defects, damage
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