Russian Federation
Language tools that implement the marketing model of consumer behavior and ensure the consumer’s purchase decision, have occupied the focal place in linguistic studies. Such studies have led to the formation of a new pragmalinguistic direction – marketing linguistics. This syllabus is designed for 45.04.02 direction of training ("Linguistics"), the orientation (profile) "General and typological linguistics and applications in the field of linguistics" (training level – master's degree, graduate qualification – master's degree).
marketing linguistics, marketing communication, advertising communication, PR-communication, advertising language
1. Borisova E.G. Marketingovaya lingvistika: napravleniya i perspektivy [Marketing linguistics: directions and prospects]. Verkhnevolzhskiy filologicheskiy vestnik [Verkhnevolzhsky philological bulletin]. 2016, I. 4, pp. 140-143.
2. Guseynova I.A. Kommunikativno-pragmaticheskie osnovaniya zhanrovoy sistemy v marketingovom diskurse. Dokt. Diss [Communicative and pragmatic foundations of the genre system in marketing discourse. Doct. Diss]. Moscow, 2010. 41 p.
3. Ksenzenko O.A Lingvisticheskie osnovy reklamnoy kommunikatsii [Linguistic foundations of advertising communication]. Moscow: MBA Publ., 2011. 320 p.
4. Marketingovaya lingvistika. Zakonomernosti prodvigayushchego teksta [Marketing linguistics. The laws of the promoting text]. Moscow: Flinta Publ.; Nauka Publ., 2018.
5. Marketingovaya lingvistika v tsifrovuyu epokhu [Marketing linguistics in the digital age]. Moscow: Yazyki Narodov Mira Publ.; NVI Publ., 2021. 142 p.
6. Ukhova L.V. Effektivnost' reklamnogo teksta [The effectiveness of the ad copy.]. Yaroslavl': Yaroslavskiy gosudarstvennyy pedagogicheskiy universitet im. K.D.Ushinskogo Publ., 2012. 375 p.