The article presents the results of treatment of 63 patients who were operated on colon cancer. As infusion therapy during surgery and preoperative preparation in 31 patients (the 1st group) the simple crystalloid solutions were used; the balanced polyionic solutions were used in 32 patients (the 2nd group) as infusion therapy. Results in the patients of the 2 groups were the following: the function of the digestive tract was restored on average 2 days earlier, the complications such as nausea and frequency of suppuration of postoperative wounds were decreased, pain syndrome was less pronounced. Failures anastomosis was revealed a 4% less in comparison with the patients of the 1st group. In patients of the 2nd group with edema of the intestinal wall, the thickness of which in the postoperative period was recovered in 2-3 days, in group 1, the recovery was on the 4-5th day. The results showed that the optimal scheme of infusion therapy is the combined use during surgery and in the preoperative period of low molecular weight solutions based hydroxyethylamine and balanced polyionic crystalloid solutions.
infusion therapy, the failure of the anastomosis.
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