Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In the study as a model for the organization of rehabilitation of patients with diseases of the musculoskeletal system was chosen Piatigorsky resort. The presence in the Stavropol Territory, Pyatigorsk and includes resorts, sanatoriums with the necessary conditions for the organization of medical diagnostic and counseling was the reason for the decision. The arrangement of the study was based on program-target method. The complex methods were: statistical, forecasting methods morbidity, estimated, the method of a sociological survey, clinical and economic study, functional and organizational modeling. Patients were examined in sanatorium "Lenin rocks" for 2009 - 2013 years. Number of patients examined in the study, was 30 933 person. During the study, the authors carried out a study of demographic, medical, sociological, climatic, social, hygienic and other risk factors affecting the incidence of persons. To study the effects of factors on the efficiency of their treatment in a sanatorium, the authors revealed such as age, climatic, the nature of previous treatment, and others. Factor, that less affects on the effectiveness of treatment, is the age of the patients more than 70 years.

incidence, resort, patients, musculoskeletal system, profiles, problematic issues.

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