Incidence of Basal Cell Carcinoma in Cohort of Mayak Workers
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Results: To estimate incidence rates for basal cell carcinoma (BSC) following chronic occupational radiation exposure. Conclusion:The study cohort included 22,377 workers (25.4 % of females) of the nuclear production facility, Mayak Production Association (PA), who had been hired in 1948–1982. Gamma doses of external exposure were provided by the Mayak Workers Dosimetry System – 2013 (MWDS–2013). The cohort was followed up until 31.12.2018. Results: By the end of the follow-up period 293 BSC cases were registered in the study cohort. BSC incidence rates significantly increased with increasing attained age of workers. The highest BSC incidence rate was observed in the age group above 70 years, both for males and females. The study found a significant increasing linear trend for standardized incidence rates for both males and females; approximation confidence factors were R2 = 0.82 and R2 = 0.95, respectively. The majority of BSC cases in the study cohort were registered in 1994–2018 (71.12 % in males and 81.13 % in females). The component analysis demonstrated that the absolute growth in the BSC incidence rate in both males and females was due to changes in the age structure of the study population and the risk of the disease. Conclussion: BSC incidence rates were significantly higher in males externally exposed to gamma rays at cumulative skin absorbed doses 0.2–0.5 Gy, 0.5–1.0 Gy and above 1.0 Gy compared to those exposed at doses below 0.1 Gy. In females the corresponding differences were non-significant.

basal cell carcinoma, incidence rates, ionizing radiation, Mayak

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