Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Tiling of three-dimensional space is a very interesting and not yet fully explored type of tiling. Tiling by convex polyhedra has been partially investigated, for example, works [1, 15, 20] are devoted to tiling by various tetrahedra, once tiling realized by Platonic, Archimedean and Catalan bodies. The use of tiling begins from ancient times, on the plane with the creation of parquet floors and ornaments, in space - with the construction of houses, but even now new and new areas of applications of tiling are opening up, for example, a recent cycle of work on the use of tiling for packaging information [17]. Until now, tiling in space has been considered almost always by faceted bodies. Bodies bounded by compartments of curved surfaces are poorly considered and by themselves, one can recall the osohedra [14], dihedra, oloids, biconuses, sphericon [21], the Steinmetz figure [22], quasipolyhedra bounded by compartments of hyperbolic paraboloids described in [3] the astroid ellipsoid and hyperbolic tetrahedra, cubes, octahedra mentioned in [6], and tiling bodies with bounded curved surfaces was practically not considered, except for the infinite three-dimensional Schwartz surfaces, but they were also considered as surfaces, not as bodies., although, of course, in each such surface, you can select an elementary cell and fill it with a body, resulting in a geometric cell. With this work, we tried to eliminate this gap and described approaches to identifying geometric cells bounded by compartments of curved surfaces. The concept of tightly packed frameworks is formulated and an approach for their identification are described. A graphical algorithm for identifying polyhedra and quasipolyhedra - geometric cells are described.

tiling, parquet, geometric cells, geometric honeycombs, frames

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