JSC "Moscow Production Association "Metalist"
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
A system for providing mechanical assembly based on threaded joints used at enterprises of the automotive cluster. This system combines a subsystem of assembly equipment, a subsystem of spare tools. The model of the mechanical assembly support system can be based on a set-theoretic approach as a set of subsystems of organizational and technological support for mechanical assembly at automotive cluster enterprises. Subsystems of organizational and technological support of mechanical assembly for automotive cluster enterprises can be described from the standpoint of management theory. In each control system being formed, an object, a control subject, a feedback mechanism is allocated, and it is also assumed that the PMD will interact with the subsystem of organizational and technological support for mechanical assembly through the information system database being formed. The task of managing the organizational and technological system for providing mechanical assembly involves solving particular problems, including those of managing the subsystem of assembly equipment, also the subsystem of controlling and testing, the subsystem of spare tools, instruments and devices. The criteria of optimal control of the generated control tasks are presented.
control system, organizational and technological support of assembly production, automotive cluster
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