Rubrics: SERVICE
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The author examines the role of the serfs in the provision of services to Muscovites in the middle of the eighteenth century. This topic is insufficiently developed in the national historiography, although some issues have been raised in the literature. Source base of the study is represented by assembly records, contractor papers, residential papers, loans, petitions, letters, properly inventories of the time. Sources allow to analyze the leading forms of services for citizens in manufacturing, construction, small commodity production, monetary operations, catering, trade and everyday life. The paper clarified the basic features and characteristics of the service activities of peasants, the extent of supply of consumer services, profitability. The facts indicate the focus of the individual counties and villages on specialization in services and delivery to Moscow sutlers, gardeners, textile workers, bricklayers. Particular attention is paid to the formation of large, medium and small businesses among peasants, active use of family and hired labor. Subjected to analysis are activities in the field of service and wholesale trade of rich peasants as Sezemov and Belousov. Particular emphasis is placed on clarification of Moscow life and everyday way of life of peasant entrepreneurs, how they developed their ethical conduct and public demands for power, how they adapted to city life. The study shows that participation of peasants in services for Muscovites had both consumer and entrepreneurial nature. In its activities, peasants used various forms of service: custom work and to the market, provision of individual and collective services, participation in a stationary, wholesale trade and retail, etc. Evidences suggest that business cooperation gradually blured the line between castes of merchants, burghers and peasants, who were united by a partnership, success and profit. The results may be useful for the formation of an information base of research on the history of service and business in Russia.

contract, Moscow, peasants, service, trade

В середине XVIII в. происходили заметные изменения в социально-экономической сфере России. Именно в это время модернизирующие начала, идущие с эпохи петровских преобразований, приобретают необратимый характер. В 1750—1760-х годах происходит значительный подъем промышленности, транспорта, строительства и торговли. Возрастают потребности городских жителей в продуктах питания и товарах первой необходимости. Большие масштабы приобретают различные

формы обслуживания городского хозяйства и населения сырьем, рабочей силой, сельскохозяйственными продуктами и изделиями. В этом процессе важную роль играли помещичьи крестьяне России, составляющие большинство населения страны.

В отечественной историографии вопрос об участии крепостных крестьян в сфере сервисной деятельности специально не изучался, хотя отдельные стороны темы затрагивались исследователями [8; 9].


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