Harmonization of the Russian Federation Legislation with Current International Recommendations
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Abstract (English):
Purpose: Harmonization of the Russian Federation legislation with current international recommendations Results: The concept of the radiation safety system has been significantly modified by recommendations of ICRP (2007) and IAEA (2014). An analysis of existing international regulatory framework for radiation safety allowed to identify the main provisions to be implemented in the Russian legal and regulatory framework. It’s showed that the current Federal Law of 09.01.1996 No. 3-FZ «On Radiation Safety of Population» must be ultimately revised to be harmonized with international documents. General approaches to legal regulation of radiation safety should be essentially modified to create a strong relationship between this law and other regulatory and legal documents in force in the Russian Federation. Conclusion: An article-by-article analysis of the current Federal Law of 09.01.1996 No. 3-FZ «On Radiation Safety of Population « showed the need to modify 22 existing articles and add 12 new articles in order to harmonize it with international documents. Given such a large volume of modification it is advisable to pass a new law with simultaneous abolition of the current federal law. A new name has been proposed: Federal Law of the Russian Federation «On Radiation Safety in the Russian Federation». The enactment of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation «On Radiation Safety in the Russian Federation» with the main by-laws approved by the Russian Federation Government – «Radiation Safety Standards» and «Basic Rules for Ensuring Radiation Safety» – will allow to establish an actual regulatory framework for ensuring radiation safety of personnel and population in Russia.

radiation safety, regulatory act, law enforcement practice, personnel, population

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