The article is devoted to the meaning and use of the possibilities of color and pictorial combinations in architecture and design, when performing educational project tasks. The study examines the emerging problems in the organization of educational work. The purpose of the study is to create a comprehensive design methodology with the inclusion of a module of coloristic and color aspects. Possible methods of organizing project educational work are proposed. The advantages and disadvantages of performing these tasks are analyzed. The methods of project work are aimed at creating convenient and at the same time aesthetic architectural objects. The methods under consideration are based on practical work, which is the basis of any educational activity in the training of higher school specialists. When forming the educational methodology, the nature and technological possibilities of using color in the design of architectural and design solutions were taken into account. The presented project proposals are based on a practical experiment and demonstrate the possibilities of planning coloristic tasks. The study determines the problem based on the analysis of modern buildings and its architectural solutions. The analysis of this topic highlights the insufficient training of future specialists in the field of using the possibilities of color in architecture and design of residential and public buildings. The research suggests and analyzes artistic and aesthetic technologies of space organization. The results of the study put forward new tasks in the planning of educational design solutions, using color, harmony of the color palette, subordinate to the color and coloristic unity of the environment.
project culture, architecture, design, art of color, methods
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