Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
In the realities of the pandemic, chat bots have become indispensable helpers. They do not need a lot of resources and constant human control. A method of interacting with social networks through a specialized software interface Web API, which is the basis of the REST architecture, is considered. The basic structure of requests for receiving and sending data to servers is presented. On the example of the implementation of a chatbot for vk.com, capable of automating a dialogue with users, the main design stages are presented, including the requirements for the implementation and operation mode based on the client-server architecture, implementation and testing. The project server is implemented on a Raspberry Pi4 single-board computer. Demonstrated code for performing basic queries and implemented a Long Polling approach to continuously track and distribute user messages. Methods were formed to obtain the necessary resources from the server, to declare a new resource on the server, to update information on the server, and to delete certain objects from the database. The result was a patented software product "Intelligent assistant of VSUIT for social networks".
Chatbot, API, social networks, assistant, Raspberry.
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