The author proves the inadmissibility of the transformation of the global justice through its “autonomation” (separation from federal justice and locking-in at the level of constituent entities of the Russian Federation) suggested in the article of M. I. Kleandrov “On the Model of the Global Justice Radical Autonomation in the Russian Federation” (Journal of Russian Law. 2015. No. 3. P. 31—42), as well as groundlessness of the statement on deprivation of the right to judicial protection for more than 30 million Russia’s citizens, who carry out entrepreneurial activities as unregistered entrepreneurs. The author defends the suggestion on the transfer of civil cases involving individual entrepreneurs from arbitration courts to general jurisdiction courts with the purpose of providing individual entrepreneurs with the access to justice. The author justifies the necessity to preserve currently existing procedural and organizational contacts between justices of the peace who are judges of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and federal courts (district, regional, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation).
Global justice (justices of the peace), autonomation, judicial remedy of rights and freedoms, judicial reform.
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