Influence of Drinking Water Quality in the Course of Radiation Damage Following Fractionated Irradiation
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Abstract (English):
Purpose: Assessment of the role of various factors in the formation of radioresistance is an important section of radiobiology, radiation medicine, including radiation therapy for hematological oncological diseases. The quality of drinking water, as it turned out, can significantly affect the radio resistance. Against the background of studying the antiradiation properties of various types of water, differing in mineral and isotopic composition, the problem of the influence of tap water on the course of radiation injury remained underestimated. This circumstance determined the purpose of the work: to compare the effectiveness of the effect of fractionated total X-ray irradiation in lethal doses, simulating total therapeutic irradiation of oncohematological patients, when consuming tap water and highly purified artificially mineralized tap water in an experiment on mice. Materials and Methods: Female ICR (CD-1) mice were irradiated with moderately lethal doses of fractionated (daily 4 × 2.2 Gy and 4 × 2.3 Gy) X-ray irradiation. After exposure, half of the mice received tap water as drinking water, and the other half received artificially mineralized drinking water. Results: Keeping animals on tap water statistically significantly reduced the survival rate of mice under fractionated irradiation (χ2 = 3.88, p <0.05, log-rank test p = 0.049) compared with animals receiving artificially mineralized distilled water. In addition, in the group of mice that received tap water, an increase in the rate of death of mice and a lower safety of the group weight of animals during the development of acute radiation injury were noted. Conclusion: Tap water, used as drinking water, increases the damaging effect of radiation with fractionated X-ray irradiation of mice.

X-ray exposure, tap water, artificially mineralized distilled water, survival, mortality, mouse

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