Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Purpose: Assessment of the risk of death of the liquidators of the Chernobyl accident from cerebrovascular diseases. Material and methods: The risk of death of liquidators of the Chernobyl accident from cerebrovascular diseases (ICD 10: I60-I69.9) was estimated using the Industry Register of persons exposed to radiation as a result of the Chernobyl accident over a thirty-year period, with a verified dose of external exposure obtained by operating in the 30 km zone of the Chernobyl NPP. The study included men - 12,663 people, 1327 of them have a dose of occupational exposure. Rough relative risks of mortality from cerebrovascular diseases were evaluated for five dose groups based on internal control. At the second stage of the study, all data were stratified by age, dose load and Follow up period. Based on the obtained stratified data file, the Poisson regression procedure was carried out, for which the Epicure AMFIT module was used and the magnitude of the excess relative risk (ERR) of death from cerebrovascular diseases was calculated and the nature of the dose dependence of EI was investigated. A cohort epidemiological study of a group of liquidators of 1986-1990 was conducted over a thirty-year period, depending on the dose, both obtained during the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident and during work with radioactive substances (RS) in the profession. Results: For the first time, direct estimates of the radiogenic risk of death from cerebrovascular diseases have been obtained. A risk decrease in this type of death per unit dose was shown for dose loads implemented during the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident and professional doses too. Conclusion: Liquidators in the long-term after the work on eliminating the consequences of the accident need generally accepted medical care approaches aimed at preventing and treating such common diseases as cardiovascular diseases. The results can be used in the development of radiation safety regulation.
radiation, risk of death, relative risk, cerebrovascular disease, the Chernobyl accident, EPICURE, AMFIT, ROSATOM, radiation safety
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