The article describes the method of modeling as a way to visualize the unity and integrity of the process of activation of cognitive process of students. The author points out that the implementation of the principle of integrity by the teacher is impossible without his ability to organize the unity of all components of the process of training and education, as well as without the student himself, an active participant in the process, whose activity is an important condition for mastering their professional competencies and knowledge accumulated by mankind in all their diversity. The study emphasizes the relevance of the modeling method used in terms of its visualization. The author proposes to use this method to solve various pedagogical problems. The study presents the structure of the phenomenon "cognitive interest" and the model of its activation. The author's complex of technologies (digital, cognitive-visual and complex technologies), due to which it is possible to increase the level of cognitive interest of students, should be noted. Along with that the author underlines the peculiarities of modeling method application, its properties and characteristics in order to facilitate the perception and understanding of the complex process of knowledge acquisition, as well as the nature of the variability of built models. In the presented model the author traced the logic and sequence, interrelation and interdependence of the selected blocks, which can be transformed and adapted to other pedagogical goals and objectives.
integrity of the educational process, interaction, modeling, activation of cognitive interest, cognitive interest
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