from 01.01.2021 to 01.01.2022
Russian Federation
The article discusses in detail the adoption of the economic partnership Agreement (APE) between West Africa and the EU, and its impact on the integration of countries in the West African region. The article reveals the main historical background, problems and prospects, which gives both the EU and West Africa the ratification of the economic partnership Agreement. As part of the research of this article, such methods as analysis and synthesis of scientific literature and data of the summits of the EU and Africa, induction and deduction, comparison and formalization applied. This study in the article allowed to consider in more detail the trade turnover between the EU and West Africa, the processes of export liberalization, the common external tariff, the problems faced by the EU and which prompted it to develop and sign the Agreement, as well as the prospects that the EU and West Africa will receive in the future as part of the integration of their economies. At the same time, no matter how unprofitable for the EU from a trade point of view, this partnership allows it to strengthen its position on the African continent and remain the leader of the world trade market.
EU, West Africa, partnership, APE, integration, trade, leader, cooperation, BRICS, export
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