Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The aim of the study is to optimize the control of the assembly equipment of the organizational and technological system for ensuring mechanical assembly based on threaded connections of the automated assembly process control system at an automotive cluster enterprise. The article solves the problem of considering the assembly equipment of an organizational and technological system for providing mechanical assembly based on threaded connections of an automated control system for the technological assembly process at an automotive cluster enterprise. Models, classifiers and an algorithm for optimal control of this set are being developed. Research methods of control theory; of the set-theoretical approach; decision-making methods; methods of mathematical analysis are used in the article. The novelty of the work is to develop the classifiers of assembly equipment of the organizational and technological system for ensuring mechanical assembly based on threaded connections depending on the design and degree of the facility automation and the possibility of its calibration. The main distinguishing characteristic of the proposed algorithm is to use the reduced cost of the assembly operation, which makes it possible to form an optimal set of the assembly equipment. As a result of the research a set-theoretic model of an element and a set of assembly equipment are proposed. The classifiers of the elements that make up the assembly equipment are developed. An algorithm for forming an optimal set of assembly equipment at an utomotivecluster enterprise is introduced. The developed algorithm is used in forming the assembly equipment at an automotive cluster enterprises and at the enterprises with a similar organizational and technological system for providing mechanical assembly. The findings of the research state that the proposed set-theoretic model of an assembly facility element allows accumulating and saving information about the elements of assembly equipment which is necessary for the effective management of assembly production at an automotive cluster enterprise. The developed classifiers are applied to decompose the set of equipment used in the assembly based on threaded connections and are necessary for solving the problems of automated control of the organizational and technological system for providing mechanical assembly based on threaded connections of the automated control system for the assembly process at the automotive cluster enterprise.

assembly equipment, mathematical model, control algorithm, automotive cluster

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