Moscow, Russian Federation
Moscow, Russian Federation
Moscow, Russian Federation
Sustainable development is one of the priority areas of business development strategies in Russia and abroad. Sustainable development is focused on environmental protection but takes into account certain social aspects. If a company wishes to implement a more environmentally friendly, social, and economically sustainable structure, it needs a complete set of required documentation and instructions. This documentation is based on environmental, social, and governance criteria, which together form the ESG-strategy.
sustainable development, ESG-strategy, environmental responsibility, investment attractiveness, management performance, Paris Climate Agreement, sustainable development goals, financial markets
1. Auzan AA, Komissarov AG, Bakhtigaraeva AI. Sociocultural restrictions on the commercialization of innovations in Russia. Economic Policy. 2019;14(4):76-95. (In Russ.)
2. Bobylev SN, Kiryushin PA, Koshkina NR. New priorities for the economy and green finance. Economic Revival of Russia. 2021;67(1):152-166. (In Russ.)
3. Bulygina NI, Ivashchenko NP. Sustainability of social enterprises as one of the most important crite-ria for support effectiveness for social entrepreneurship in Russia. E-Journal Public Administration. 2020;(82):306-325. (In Russ.)
4. Gerasimenko VV, Slepenkova EM. Transformation of methods and tools of competitive analysis in the digital economy. Moscow University Economics Bulletin. 2019;(6):126-146. (In Russ.)
5. Kvint VL, Novikova IV, Alimuradov MK. Alignment of global and national interest with regional strategic priorities. Economics and Management. 2021;27(11):900-909. (In Russ.)
6. Nekipelov AD. Rolʹ strategicheskogo planirovaniya sotsialʹno-ehkonomicheskogo razvitiya v obespechenii natsionalʹnoy bezopasnosti [The role of strategic planning of socio-economic devel-opment in national security]. Vestnik Soveta bezopasnosti Rossiyskoy Federatsii [Bulletin of the Se-curity Council of the Russian Federation]. 2017;49(2):162-173. (In Russ.)
7. Nikonorov SM. K “zelenoy” ehkonomike cherez “zelenye” finansy, bioehkonomiku i ustoychivoe razvitie [Towards a green economy through green finance, bioeconomy, and sustainable develop-ment]. Russian Political Science. 2017(3):12-15. (In Russ.)
8. Nikonorov SM. Razvitie ESG-instrumentov finansirovaniya tsirkulyarnoy ehkonomiki [Development of ESG-tools for financing the circular economy]. Razvitie finansovykh otnosheniy v tsirkulyarnoy ehkonomike: materialy Natsionalʹnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii [Devel-opment of financial relations in the circular economy: materials of the National Scientific and Prac-tical Conference]; 2021; St. Petersburg. St. Petersburg: Asterion; 2021. p. 122-126. (In Russ.)
9. Nikonorov SM, Tyaglov SG, Sitkina KS. Application of green financing of green economy in Rus-sia. Management and Business Administration. 2021;(2):54-61. (In Russ.)
10. Polterivich VM, Panchuk DA. Diversification of the Russian economy due to the deeper processing of hydrocarbons: the problem of indicative planning. Energy Policy. 2019;(1):57-66. (In Russ.)
11. Bobylev SN, Chereshnya OYu, Kulmala M, Lappalainen HK, Petäjä T, Solov’eva SV, et al. Indica-tors for digitalization of sustainable development goals in PEEX program. Geography, Environment, Sustainability. 2018;11(1):145-156.
12. Kudryavtseva O, Malikova O. Circulas economy for sustainable cities' management. International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management. 2019;19:103-108.
13. Aleksandrova AYu, Bobylev SN, Solovyeva SV, Khovavko IYu. Overtourism at Baikal: Problems and ways of addressing them. Geography and Natural Resources. 2021;42(3):248-257.
14. Nikonorov S, Utkina E. Industrial symbiosis as an element of sustainable development of arctic companies. SHS Web of Conferences. 2021;112.