Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This paper presents the results of a research analysis of the features of the introduction and implementation of the concept of lean management in large Russian organizations, state and municipal authorities, high educational institutions, and the assessment of their economic and social effectiveness. The relevance of the study is due to the lack of practical cases on the use of lean management technologies in the transformation of the main activities of commercial companies or government authorities to scale and adapt best practices. In the framework of this article, the theoretical aspects of thrift are considered, the characteristic features and principles of the lean management concept are highlighted, the main tools and technologies of lean management are considered, as well as practical cases with the assessment of social and economic efficiency. The analysis showed that there are many ways to improve operational and project activities that justify the introduction of a lean approach in organizations. There are problems in understanding the need for lean production since people are generally reluctant to change established processes, but positive follow-up examples contribute to the success of implementing lean management and help in developing adequate development strategies for companies and government agencies. In conclusion, the authors found that the technologies of the concept of "lean management" are an effective tool for improving the main activities of organizations and authorities and for improving the efficiency of resource use.

lean management, project and program management, effectiveness, organizations, state and municipal authorities, Universities

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