Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
If the problem of identification, study and assessment of needs continues to be the subject of scientific research, the question of needs is traditionally considered subordinate to the law of elevation (increase) of needs. This law defines a causal link between the development of social production and the process of quantitative growth and enrichment of needs of society, it suggests the growth and improvement of the needs of society with the development of productive forces and culture. In other words, with the development of the productive forces of society the increase and modification of needs take place, on the one hand, as well as a qualitative improvement in the structure of demand - on the other. In the process of development of the society disappear some needs, but appear other needs, which are wider and at a higher quality level, which reflects a shift in priorities, the development of interoperability, quality improvement. In this regard, the author hypothesizes that the modern needs are highly individualized and that individualization is a leading driver of change in consumer behavior. The rationale for this hypothesis, of course, must be carried out in two directions: confirmation / denial of the analysis of conceptual positions, as well as on the basis of studies analyzing the dynamics of personal consumption statistics. In this study, the results of the evidence are suggested, which are derived by the author on the basis of scientific studies of the various sciences. The information base of research is represented by works of domestic and foreign scholars in the field of consumer behavior, end-use, motivation theories and needs´ typologies.

individualization, need, consumer behavior.

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