Krasnodar, Russian Federation
Krasnodar, Russian Federation
Krasnodar, Russian Federation
Maykop, Maykop, Russian Federation
Based on the analysis and generalization of research, the experience of implementing effective contracts in the activities of universities, the article provides a rationale for an effective contract as a means of monitoring the professional achievements of a scientific and pedagogical worker in the context of a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of the university. The purpose of the article is to reveal the historical roots of the implementation of an effective contract in the practice of higher educational institutions, to describe its functional purpose, main characteristics and implementation experience. The authors reveal the reasons for the transition of universities to a criterion assessment of the effectiveness of the professional activities of scientific and pedagogical workers, the concept and principles of the development and implementation of an effective contract are given, variations in the criteria and indicators of teachers' performance reflected in an effective contract, as well as mechanisms for their provision and accounting are presented. The study allows you to develop an understanding of an effective contract as a method of objective complex assessment of the results of scientific and pedagogical work and an innovative mechanism of educational management. The research materials deepen the understanding of monitoring the professional activity of a scientific and pedagogical worker in the context of globalization, which complements the existing scientific understanding of the determinants of systemic changes in the professional activity of a higher school teacher and theoretical ideas in the field of educational qualimetry.
higher education, scientific and pedagogical workers, effective contract, teacher, monitoring, assessment of the effectiveness of professional activities
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