Tula, Russian Federation
The article is devoted to the issue of historical analysis of transformation of economic processes of Tula confectioners in the context of formation of marketing promotion with further construction and justification of economic hypotheses of development of communication means in this industry. The study is based on the analysis of archival documents and Russian publications, as well as on the statistical findings of protomarketing data. The purpose of the study was to study the genesis of promotion tools on the example of the world-famous confectionery products in Tula at the turn of the XIX and early XX centuries. The tasks and historical stages of the development of communication tools in the confectionery industry are defined with the aim of detailed hierarchy of marketing processes. The author's experience of creating a periodization of the genesis of marketing promotion tools in the sphere of both the Russian and Tula confectionery industry is proposed, reflecting the growth rate of marketing and the market share of communications. In the final results of the study, the significance is substantiated and the typology of communication for the promotion of confectionery products in Tula at the turn of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries is presented, their most complete characteristics are given.
genesis, marketing promotion; advertising, communications, sales incentives, personal sales; marketing communications; communication matrix
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