Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The journal presents the works of Russian scientists reflecting the research of intercultural, advertising, professional communication, issues of educational activities in the field of communication studies, as well as general humanitarian problems of communication science.

communication, professional communication, advertising communication, marketing linguistics, training, communication sciences, linguiaxology

1. Avramenko A.P. Individual'nyy podkhod k formirovaniyu inoyazychnoy kommunikativnoy kompetentsii [Individual approach to the formation of foreign language communicative competence]. Nauchnye issledovaniya i razrabotki. Sovremennaya kommunikativistika [Scientific research and development. Modern communication science]. 2022, V. 11, I. 2, pp. 101-111.

2. Bykova O.P., Martynova M.A., Siromakha V.G. Kommunikativnye i sotsiolingvisticheskie aspekty izucheniya nazvaniy rossiyskikh kottedzhnykh poselkov [Communicative and sociolinguistic aspects of studying the names of Russian cottage villages]. Nauchnye issledovaniya i razrabotki. Sovremennaya kommunikativistika [Scientific research and development. Modern communication science]. 2022, V. 11, I. 2, pp. 10-32.

3. Vasina E.A. Kommunikatsiya cherez perevod: genezis podgotovki rossiyskikh perevodchikov s kitayskim yazykom [Communication through translation: the genesis of the training of Russian translators with Chinese]. Nauchnye issledovaniya i razrabotki. Sovremennaya kommunikativistika [Scientific research and development. Modern communication science]. 2022, V. 11, I. 2, pp. 32-45.

4. Greydina N.L. Mediynaya agressiya v kontekste politicheskoy kommunikatsii (na materiale britanskikh i amerikanskikh SMI) [Media aggression in the context of political communication (based on the British and American media)]. Nauchnye issledovaniya i razrabotki. Sovremennaya kommunikativistika [Scientific research and development. Modern communication science]. 2022, V. 11, I. 2, pp. 140-148.

5. Kostikova L.P., Fedotova O.S. Pedagogicheskaya kommunikatsiya v usloviyakh tsifrovoy transformatsii obrazovatel'nogo prostranstva vuza [Pedagogical communication in the context of digital transformation of the educational space of the university]. Nauchnye issledovaniya i razrabotki. Sovremennaya kommunikativistika [Scientific research and development. Modern communication science]. 2022, V. 11, I. 2, pp. 58-70.

6. Luzhnaya M.M. Ironicheskoe nesoglasie i vozrazhenie v povsednevnoy kommunikatsii [Ironic disagreement and objection in everyday communication]. Nauchnye issledovaniya i razrabotki. Sovremennaya kommunikativistika [Scientific research and development. Modern communication science]. 2022, V. 11, I. 2, pp. 148-159.

7. Min'yar-Belorucheva A.P., Sergienko P.I. Mul'timodal'nyy podkhod k rassmotreniyu lingvisticheskikh sredstv vyrazheniya PR-kampaniy, napravlennykh na bor'bu s pandemiey v tsifrovuyu epokhu [Multimodal approach to the consideration of linguistic means of expressing PR campaigns aimed at combating the pandemic in the digital age]. Nauchnye issledovaniya i razrabotki. Sovremennaya kommunikativistika [Scientific research and development. Modern communication science]. 2022, V. 11, I. 2, pp. 148-159.

8. Mukhaev R.T., Laamarti Yu.A. Internet-kommunikatsii kak instrument formirovaniya politicheskoy kul'tury rossiyskoy molodezhi: empiricheskiy analiz [Internet communications as a tool for shaping the political culture of Russian youth: an empirical analysis]. Nauchnye issledovaniya i razrabotki. Sovremennaya kommunikativistika [Scientific research and development. Modern communication science]. 2022, V. 11, I. 2, pp. 112-139.

9. Poletaeva T.A. Dinamika konfessional'nykh kontseptosfer angloyazychnogo obshchestva v sotsial'no-kommunikativnom kontekste [Dynamics of confessional concept spheres of the English-speaking society in the social and communicative context]. Nauchnye issledovaniya i razrabotki. Sovremennaya kommunikativistika [Scientific research and development. Modern communication science]. 2022, V. 11, I. 2, pp. 112-139.

10. Pryakhina A.V., Savel'eva I.Yu., Kamalitdinova E.I. Formirovanie obshchekul'turnykh kompetentsiy u obuchayushchikhsya v obrazovatel'nom protsesse [Formation of general cultural competencies among students in the educational process]. Nauchnye issledovaniya i razrabotki. Sovremennaya kommunikativistika [Scientific research and development. Modern communication science]. 2022, V. 11, I. 2, pp. 92-101.

11. Revkova E.A. Proektnye tekhnologii v podgotovke studentov-mezhdunarodnikov k professional'noy kommunikatsii [Project technologies in the preparation of international students for professional communication]. Nauchnye issledovaniya i razrabotki. Sovremennaya kommunikativistika [Scientific research and development. Modern communication science]. 2022, V. 11, I. 2, pp. 70-82.

12. Strel'nikova N.D. Rol' feminitivov v kommunikativnykh praktikakh vchera i segodnya [The role of feminists in communicative practices yesterday and today]. Nauchnye issledovaniya i razrabotki. Sovremennaya kommunikativistika [Scientific research and development. Modern communication science]. 2022, V. 11, I. 2, pp. 45-57.

13. Semenova L., Kachans V., Savva L. Opportunities and problems of teaching professional modules in the period of digital transformation [Tekst]. Nauchnye issledovaniya i razrabotki. Sovremennaya kommunikativistika [Scientific research and development. Modern communication science]. 2022, V. 11, I. 2, pp. 82-92.

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