Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
The article discusses the concept of discourse in general and the Covid-19 discourse, in particular. The material chosen for the study embraces discursive practices in the framework of PR communications presented in a multimodal environment. It is important to emphasize that the coronavirus pandemic is characterized by a high level of metaphorical and linguocreative neologization, which deserves special attention from researchers of various fields of humanitarian knowledge. Modern communication studies are influenced by computer technologies, which finds expression in the corresponding modes of communication. The aim of the work is to analyze the modern changes taking place in the English language under the influence of the extralinguistic situation. The research methodology is based on the theoretical developments of domestic and Western discursive studies and works devoted to modern communication studies. The methods used in this work include general scientific methods of analysis and synthesis, the method of philological analysis and content analysis. In conclusion, it is noted that two-way PR communication with the audience in the digital environment forms a special kind of discourse that meets the requirements of the challenges of time, which creates a new impetus for the development of the theory and practice of modern communication studies.
linguistic means, discourse, multimodal approach, PR campaigns, pandemic, digitalization
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