To solve the problems of gerontology this review presents the detailed description of the choices of the many signs as the most significant for the assessment of functional systems of the organism. The authors have justified the expediency to abandon the deterministic and stochastic approaches to complex systems - complexity. The possibilities of chaos theory and self-organization systems have been described in detail. The review provides a description of the capabilities of nano-emulsion, neuro-computing, method of calculation quasi-attractors for the solution of problems of system synthesis to identify order parameters. The authors presented data on the use of these methods for different age groups of women Khanty living in the North of Russia. The necessity to increase the number of iterations (settings) neuro-motor to increase the precision of separation of the samples was established. The authors proposed to implement the methods of chaos theory and self-organization in the practice of gerontology.
chaos theory and self-organization, neuro-computing, neuro-motor, system synthesis, order parameters, quasi-attractor, gerontology
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