Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The frequency of the Cesarean section leads to increase number of the patients with the scar on the uterus. In the Clinical hospital № 1 (Smolensk, Russia) the childbirth is carried out through natural birth canal on the women having a reliable scar on the uterus. The analysis of the vaginal delivery and labour outcomes in 69 patients with the scar on the uterus is carried out. The childbirth in 38 patients was conducted with the epidurals, in 31 patients – without this type of anesthesia. The efficiency and safety of the epidural anesthesia are shown. The obtained results confirm that the epidural anesthesia doesn´t complicate the labour, doesn´t increase the hospitalization term, doesn´t influence the bleeding and negative effects on the fetus condition and the newborn assessment according to Apgar score. The possibility of using epidural anesthesia at childbirth on the women with uterine scar during the dystocia is shown.

birth, the scar on the uterus, epidural analgesia

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