Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article describes medical and sociological large multidisciplinary inpatient hospital care in Samara city according to study of the opinions of patients and health workers. 357 respondents from among the patients of the hospital and 295 respondents from a number of doctors and paramedical staff of this medical prophylactic institution took part in the survey. The study was conducted on the basis of specially designed questionnaires. Sociological research method was used.The majority of patients were satisfied with both the terms of stay relation in the hospital, and the quality of diagnostic and therapeutic issues incorporated, the organization of medical care. Medical person-nel actively engaged in self-education on the assessment, monitoring and ensuring the quality of care. It was established a high proportion of respondents who consider themselves knowledgeable in matters of quality of care and well-assess the quality of care at the hospital. They believe that the ongoing work to ensure the quality of medical care is in the hospital. It is necessary to continue work in a multidisciplinary hospital staff development in the area of quality of care, as many of the questions, respondents of the number of health workers failed to give a complete and correct answer (in terms of the componentsof the ILC, controls carried out by health insurance organizations, controls).

quality of care, sociological study, city multi-profile hospital

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