This article discusses the role of medical history in the solution of methodological problems pedagogy of medical institute and the methods of teaching the history of medicine. The author gives the general characteristic of the dif-ficulties that exist in the teaching and learning of the history of medicine at the moment, emphasizes the importance of applying a comprehensive interdisciplinary approach to the successful implementation of the educational process at the University, in particular, that the history of medicine is part of a more general fundamental degree “History and philosophy of science". Considerable attention is paid to the role of medical history in the educational system of medical school. The article reveals the role of research on the history of medicine and the use of the biographical method in the study of the life path of prominent representatives of the medical profession in the theoretical-methodological aspect of the problem of humanization of higher professional medical education
history of medicine, medical school, teaching, educational system, science, humanization, historical example, person, philosophy
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