from 01.10.2008 until now
Russian Federation
The issues of inconsistency of some terms used in descriptive geometry with the rules of GOST R 2.105-2019 ESCD "General Requirements for Text Documents", as well as related to the projection of surfaces, are considered. The structure of descriptive geometry’s textbooks is considered, according to which all textbooks of this discipline have been built up until recently. This structure forms a sequence in the study of descriptive geometry in almost all higher education institutes. Criticism of this structure, which has been using for teaching since time immemorial without significant changes what, in particular, presents significant difficulties in descriptive geometry studying, is given. In contrast with the existing structure, a new one is proposed (if the structure proposed near 50 years ago can be called new), but this new structure is almost nowhere used for release of information on descriptive geometry. This proposed structure is scientifically justified, practically verified and offered for universal use. In addition, the classification of positional and metric problems, and use of algorithms common for them is proposed. The proposed structure contains the following sections: 1. Basic concepts of descriptive geometry. 2. Set up of geometric figures in a drawing. 3. Positional problems. 4. Metric problems. 5. Conversion methods. 6. Involutes. The sections arranged in the proposed coherent system, considered separately from each other and not subject to mixing, make it possible to systematize and algorithmize the processes of descriptive geometry layout and studying.
geometry, descriptive geometry, pedagogy, teaching
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3. Vinnickiy I.G. Nachertatel'naya geometriya [Tekst] /. - M.: Vysshaya shkola, 1975. - 280 s.
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22. Ryzhov N.N. Kurs nachertatel'noy geometrii: Ucheb. posobie. Ch. 2. M.: MADI-TU, 1996. - 68 c.
23. Rynin N.A. Nachertatel'naya geometriya [Tekst] / N.A. Rynin. - L.: Gosstroyizdat, 1939. - 448 s.
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26. Sal'kov N.A. Nachertatel'naya geometriya: bazovyy kurs [Tekst]: ucheb. posobie / N.A. Sal'kov. - M.: INFRA-M, 2013. - 184 s.
27. Sal'kov N.A. Nachertatel'naya geometriya. Osnovnoy kurs [Tekst]: ucheb. posobie / N.A. Sal'kov. - M.: INFRA-M, 2014. - 235 s.
28. Sal'kov N.A. Osnovnye prichiny plohogo usvoeniya nachertatel'noy geometrii [Tekst] / N.A. Sal'kov // Geometriya i grafika. - 2021. - T. 9. - № 2. - S. 3-11. - DOI:
29. Timrot E.S. Nachertatel'naya geometriya [Tekst] / E.S. Timrot. - M.: Gos. izdatel'stvo literatury po stroitel'stvu, arhitekture i stroitel'nym materialam, 1962. - 280 s.
30. Frolov S.A. Metody preobrazovaniya ortogonal'nyh proekciy [Tekst] / S.A. Frolov. - M.: Mashinostroenie, 1970. - 152 s.
31. Frolov S.A. Nachertatel'naya geometriya [Tekst] / S.A. Frolov. - M.: Mashinostroenie, 1983. - 240 s.
32. Chetveruhin N.F. Nachertatel'naya geometriya [Tekst] / N.F. Chetveruhin, V.S. Levickiy, Z.I. Pryanishnikova, A.M. Tevlin, G.I. Fedotov. - M.: Vysshaya shkola, 1963. - 420 s.