Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The aim of the study is to form an evidence base for substantiating the theoretical and practical contribution of the management methodology of the regional socio-economic system to the management theory. The objectives of the study are to substantiate the thesis that the research problem has been solved in the methodology of managing a regional socio-economic system and new opportunities for the applied nature of using management theory to a regional socio-economic system have been formed; to determine that scientific approaches to managing the region under the influence of the external environment have been implemented in the methodology of managing the regional socio-economic system. The research methods are comparative analysis, systems approach and management theory. The authors refer to numerous successful precedents that form domestic practice in the field of methodological support for managing socio-economic systems. The novelty of the work consists of an evidence base that determines the compliance of the considered methodology for managing the regional socio-economic system with the concept of “methodology”, including the control theory context. The study results in forming a scientific concept that substantiates the management system of the regional socio-economic system and specifies the patterns of its functioning. The findings lie in the fact that the scientific and practical development of the methodological foundations for managing various socio-economic systems is extremely in demand today from the standpoint of ensuring directed transformations of the regional socio-economic system, including the regulatory legal impact under the influence of the external environment.

management theory, regional socio-economic system, management methodology

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