Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Introduction. Communicative technologies are one of the most effective pedagogical technologies in the professional language training of military translators. Determining the attitude of students to the use of communicative technologies in the educational process will contribute to improving the quality of their training. The aim of the study is to identify the attitude of future military translators to the use of communicative technologies in their professional language training. Methods and materials. This study is based on an integrative methodological approach, which allows combining various educational disciplines, technologies and techniques into a single educational process. The analysis of pedagogical technologies is carried out on the basis of a communicative methodological approach that determines the principles of interaction between participants in the educational process. In classes on foreign language and military translation, the training of military translators uses various communication technologies that contribute to the formation of professional and military-special language competencies of future military translators, such as, for example, case analysis, role-playing, design technologies, etc. Results of the study. A study was conducted identifying the opinion of cadets on the advisability of preparing for the use of attack and self-defense strategies in the negotiation process. The questionnaire was attended by 96 cadets of 3 and 4 years of training at the Ryazan Guards Higher Airborne Command School. 93 students (88.3 per cent) noted the importance of using communicative technologies in the training of military translators. 94 (97.9 per cent) of the cadets perform case analysis with interest, 82 (85.4 per cent) of the cadets are interested in the role-playing game and 76 (79.1 per cent) of the cadets are interested in project activities. The communication technologies used in military translation sessions undoubtedly contribute to improving the level of professional language training of military interpreters. Conclusion. The results of the study can be used to further develop the issues of professional language training of cadets of military universities with a focus on the individualization of the educational process and on the technology of personalized training.

professional language training, military translators, communicative technologies, military-professional communication

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