Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
The article reveals the main directions of the teacher's activity in the implementation of the updated version of the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education (FSES PGE) by means of the subject "The World Around Us". The priority of this subject in achieving personal learning outcomes for first-graders is discussed: awareness of one's belonging to the country, state, culture of Russian society, mastering the rules of behavior, etc. Methods for the formation of concepts in children that reveal the most important aspects of social life are described: "family", "small homeland" "Russians", "citizen". Attention is paid to the teaching methods of the course topics that are aimed at mastering the rules of a healthy lifestyle, which is especially important for first-graders at the stage of transition from preschool childhood to schooling. The article describes the methodology for studying new topics that supplement the content of the course "The World Around Us".
first grader; achievement of personal results; updated content of the course "The World Around Us"; teaching methods for first-graders
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