from 01.01.2018 to 01.01.2021
Russian Federation
The paper analyzes the peculiarities of verbal communicative behavior of one of the major actors on the french political scene, leader of the French far-right wing Marine Le Pen. The scope of research includes the French political discourse represented in newspaper political texts and official Internet platform. While studying language units under consideration the author of the article uses the method of contextual analysis, component analysis and the descriptive method. The object of research consists of word usages extracted from such french periodical as «Le Monde» and web-based platform «Le Rassemblement National». It is attempted to illustrate that specifics of M. Le Pen’s verbal communicative behaviour characterizes and exemplifies her political image and perception in the French society. Among the linguistic peculiarities that reveal M. Le Pen’s verbal behavior the author draws special attention to metaphorical meanings of the lexical units that reflect the opacity, so-called «non-transparency» of her political discourse. It is also mentioned that by means of metaphors used in her speeches as well as within video public interventions the ideology and ideas of far-right wing is being transmitted that permits to manipulate and influence public consciousness. The practical significance of the paper is envisaged in implementing the exemple of conducted analysis when teaching the language of French political discourse at Universities to students of politics, journalists and diplomatic officials.
verbal communicative behavior, political discourse, French Presidential Elections, metaphor
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