Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the problems of studying the professional trajectories of graduates of pedagogical classes. The need for research in the monitoring mode is determined by the importance of identifying internal and external factors that influence the choice of pedagogical classes by graduates of professions and vocational education at different levels, as well as conditions that determine the productivity of their development of the main professional educational program. The results of the first stage of the study described in the article allowed us to conclude that despite the motivation of students of pedagogical classes, a wide range of pedagogical technologies used, a significant part of graduates make a choice not in favor of the pedagogical profession. This circumstance determines the need for a prolonged assessment of the productivity of pedagogical classes in the aspect of analyzing the content of the educational process. The conducted research allows us to identify ways to improve the effectiveness of the system of pre-professional training of a future teacher.

professional trajectory of a graduate of a pedagogical class, factors influencing professional choice, pedagogical monitoring

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