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Abstract (English):
This article considers an approach to orga-nizing joint processing of spatial information when countering threats in a geographically distributed organization. A model is proposed for describing heterogeneous spatial data and their relationship, which are necessary for con-structing three-dimensional models of a territo-rially distributed organization, based on the set-theoretic approach. Subsequently, the model makes it possible to determine the methodology and algorithm for constructing three-dimensional models of such a geographically distributed organization as Ufa State Aviation Technical University. The paper shows that increasing the decision support efficiency when responding to some threats is achieved, among other things, by using three-dimensional visualization of technological information about the university facilities and operational information which incomes in case of emergency; the quality, content and optimization of a three-dimensional model directly affect the decisions made in fulfilling emergency response scenarios. The developed methods and algorithms are brought to practical implementation and applied to build a three-dimensional geoinformation model of Ufa State Aviation Technical University.

geoinformation technologies, model for describing heterogeneous spatial data, three-dimensional geoinformation modelling, three-dimensional university model
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