Currently, cosmetic market presents a wide variety of threads for skin rejuvenation. A special place among them is occupied by biostimulation threads, providing aesthetic effect is not due to the mechanical movement of soft tissues and their fixation, and by improving skin state. The set of threads in the soft tissue causes three different anti-aging effects: lifting, reinforcing and biostimulation. Data from clinical practice show that each specific sample of threads is characterized by a vivid manifestation of any one of the effects and moderates manifestation of the other two. The prevailing aesthetic effect can be used as an integral indicator, because other private characteristic and properties of threads depend on it. On the basis of this for clinical practice the authors use the classification with the division of all cosmetic threads into three types: lifting, reinforcing and biostimulating. Biostimulating threads occupy a special position, because they provide aesthetic effect, which isn’t based on mechanical movement and retention of the soft tissues, but to stimulate the natural rejuvenation processes. Standard set consists of a hollow flexible needle guide (25-31 G, 2.5 to 12 cm) and freely posted in her thread, the tail section which, coming out of the cut needle, fixed with a piece of foam or foam rubber. The article proposes ways of application of biostimulating threads depending on the age of the patients, schema of installation of the mesothreads from polydioxanone, discusses the possibility of their use in complex methods. Comparing Russian and Asian schools on mesothreads use, the authors suggest that the process of opti-mization of the considered methods of skin rejuvenation is far from its completion.
biostimulating threads, mesothreads, skin rejuvenation, scheme of thread installation, polydioxanone
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