Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article introduces a two-group classification of scientific publications on the age-related socio-psychological characteristics of people with special needs. The first group features the development conditions, while the second group focuses on the types of socio-psychological characteristics and the social groups they affect. The authors believe that adults with life-long disabilities and those who were registered as disabled at the age of majority have different socio-psychological profiles and socialization issues. An unstructured interview revealed that the socio-psychological characteristics of adults with life-long disabilities depended on the attitude to the disease shaped by their parents. As for people who acquired the status as adults, their attitude depended on the social skills they possessed before. They had a better social adaptability but a more difficult socialization later in life.

socio-psychological characteristics of personality, disability, socio-psychological adaptability, rehabilitation, socialization, social adaptation issues, type of attitude to the disease, labor socialization, parent-child relations
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