Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
from 01.01.2014 to 01.01.2022
Voronezh, Russian Federation
Biodiversity is one of the stand sustainability criteria. The study of the biodiversity of common hazel in the Voronezh region will make it possible to control the conservation of the genetic potential, as well as update information on the state of populations and forms in order to develop recommendations for the effective cultivation of this breed. Interest in common hazel in the Russian Federation has increased significantly in recent years - more and more attention is paid to breeding work not only in areas of industrial cultivation, but also in the Volga region, the Central regions of the Russian Federation, Siberia and the Urals. The article considers biodiversity and assesses the state of common hazel growing in different types of forest conditions on the territory of the Prigorodny and Somovsky forestries of the Voronezh region. The studies were carried out using standard methodological approaches and current regulatory documents. The study area was 17580.7 ha, incl. with the presence of hazel - 4595.5 ha (26% of the total area). Field survey was carried out on more than 5% of the total area. In terms of relative and absolute density of growth, common hazel reaches its maximum in fresh oak forests. In the course of biodiversity assessment studies, it was revealed that common hazel occurs in a very wide range of forest conditions, and therefore, can grow together with most forest-forming species of the Voronezh region. Mostly found in fresh oak forest conditions - the most common TLU S2D (occurrence about 83%) and D2 (77%). At the same time, with a certain degree of success, it can grow in both dry and wet forest conditions. In the course of assessing the state of common hazel plantations, no significant differences were found depending on the growth in the types of forest conditions. The exception is excessively wet and very dry conditions. The revealed tolerance to growing conditions must certainly be taken into account when increasing the biodiversity of forests in the Voronezh region.
biodiversity, common hazel, state of plantations, type of forest conditions
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