Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article develops the fundamental principles of tariff regulation in the Russian Federation: the author argues for the expansion of the composition of general and specific principles of tariff regulation in accordance with the requirements of the concept of sustainable development and risk orientation. A retrospective analysis of approaches to the formation of tariff policy and the calculation of the amount of cross-subsidization, as well as the formation of its organizational and legal foundations since the entry of the Russian Federation into the market economy. The essence is revealed and the author's interpretation of the concept of «the amount of cross-subsidization» is given. The main features of the formation of cross-subsidization across the subjects of the Russian Federation are revealed. A set of measures to minimize the impact of cross-subsidization in the electric power industry on the development of the industry and the country's economy as a whole is systematically presented. The volume of cross-subsidization is analyzed and the dynamics of their changes in the context of the subjects of the Russian Federation is shown. A list of factors that can lead to an increase in the volume of cross-subsidization in subsequent regulatory periods has been formed. It is concluded that it is necessary to gradually reduce the volume of cross-subsidization in the electric grid complex of the Russian Federation in order to preserve the unified energy system of the Russian Federation.

the amount of cross-subsidization, tariff regulation, tariff policy, sustainable development of the electric power industry

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