from 01.01.2014 to 01.01.2022
Russian Federation
The introduction of economic sanctions affected most sectors of the Russian economy. Particularly affected was the automotive industry, where the departure of foreign firms caused an unprecedented drop in production. In an effort to prevent crisis effects in related sectors, the state is forced to take countermeasures, but there are no clear plans for the further development of the automotive industry yet. The current situation is not yet perceived as a final break with the usual foreign partners. The deteriorating economic situation in the world and the interest of European firms in cooperation with Russia leaves hopes for the easing of sanctions and the restoration of the previous conditions of activity. Sanctions are perceived primarily as a threat, although in reality they open up new opportunities for the revival of the national technologically independent auto industry. However, in practice, the realization of such opportunities requires the organization of complex long-term intersectoral planning and the development of industrial international cooperation with friendly countries on new principles.
Automotive industry, sanction, auto components, production, car sales, opportunities, threats, Russia, economy, foreign car factories
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