Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to issues concerning the prospects for the formation of a comprehensive system of measures to improve labor productivity. Based on the research of various authors in the course of determining the key factors for increasing labor productivity, it was found that their qualitative and quantitative composition primarily depends on the industry in which the enterprise operates. An analysis was carried out of some statistical indicators characterizing, first of all, directly the growth rates of labor productivity in general, by individual industries and indicators relating to the labor force as a whole, average annual employment and the number of unemployed. The article conducted a study of the influence of external and internal environmental factors on the activities of enterprises dedicated to improving productivity. In the course of the study, it was found that in order to have a steady rate of labor productivity growth, it is necessary to provide assistance from the state that affects not only the internal environment of organizations, but also the external environment. Support measures should be of a comprehensive systemic nature and extend at the first stage to priority industries whose enterprises produce products with guaranteed demand. This will create a complex of enterprises that have the necessary monetary foundation for further independent functioning and development.

Labor productivity, factors of external and internal impact, efficiency, national projects, personnel

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