Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the problem of the formation of students' ability to solve physical tasks as an important component of the development of physical thinking. The process of teaching physics is considered from the point of view of mastering various methods of solving tasks by pupil. The method is understood as an approach for solving physical problems in which phenomena related to the same topic are analyzed (for example, tasks on geometric optics). Any such method consists of sub-methods consisting in the application of a specific formula or some other sequence of intellectual actions (for example, the Lenz rule). The concept of a generalized one-formular (two- and three-formular) physical task is introduced as a theoretical problem, for the solution of which it is necessary to use one (two or three) physical formulas. A content analysis of standard school textbooks and task books was carried out, formulas were written out, the number of one-form, two- and three-form tasks were determined, which, in principle, a student can solve (understand) after studying each paragraph. As a result, the dependence graph of the number of tasks understood by the student on time is obtained.

didactics, method, educational task, physics, physical thinking, formula

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